A quality education provides the outcomes needed for individuals, communities, and societies to prosper. It is a huge mandate of this foundation to substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, to take up decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
What We Offer
Quality Education
Health Care
Everyone in every community deserve the right to proper health care at all times, and this is the fundamental premise of primary health care. The primary health care approach at Joana Gyan Foundation includes providing health care to everyone, everywhere in the most efficient and effective way to achieve health for all.
Environmental Sustainability
Environmental sustainability is important to preserve resources like clean air, water and wildlife for future generations. Joana Gyan Foundation is working hand in hand with groups and agencies to create more awareness and enforce regulations that involve environmental sustainability and protection.
Support Joana Gyan Foundation & Impact A Life Today.
Through the generous donations & volunteerism, we are able to help the less fortunate.